Awakening Your Spirit Mind

If you're ready for a new kind of awareness, we have just the thing for you. Our new program, Awakening Your Spirit Mind, will help you find a remarkable new perspective in your life!

With online training and live monthly calls, we'll help you reconnect with your true essence, remember how your consciousness truly works, and open yourself up to a whole new way of living!


Are you ready for a fundamental shift in your life?


In our race for success and achievement, our minds have become filled with anticipation, planning, doubt, and worry. Instead of enjoying life’s precious moments, we rush by them in a mad dash for a better future.

We have forgotten that we have another mind—a Spirit Mind—which is fully connected with our soul, fully present in the moment, with a clear loving understanding of the world.

The core problem we face in the world now is that we’re trying to understand and change our lives with only one mind, because we’ve forgotten our Spirit Mind. Yet with only one mind, you cannot make fundamental changes in your life. Trying to change your life using the same old mind will never work.

But when you connect with your Spirit Mind too, your world changes automatically, as you experience your life with a new perspective. You don’t need to change your old mind or learn anything new. You simply need to connect with your Spirit Mind too.

If you’re feeling frustration or disappointment in your life, it’s because you know a new way of living is possible. It’s time to remember your Spirit Mind and begin living your new life now!

How will Awakening Your Spirit Mind help you?


Why do we struggle, feel lonely, afraid, or unhappy? It's simple. We've forgotten what it means to be connected with our soul in daily life.

In this heartfelt training, Hisami & Jeffrey reconnect us with our true essence, remind us how our consciousness truly works, and open the doors for a whole new way of living!

  • Understand your life from a deep energy perspective
  • Learn why fulfillment leads to success, not the other way around
  • Shift from scarcity & lack to abundance & fulfillment in the moment
  • Reimagine everything in your life from a perspective of love

East Meets West with Hisami and Jeffrey

Jeffrey Allen

Jeffrey Allen is a popular Mindvalley author and speaker, a powerful energy healer, and a pioneer in online energy training.

Originally from the US, Jeffrey has introduced more than 1 million people worldwide to the exciting world of personal energy healing—to improve their relationships, deepen their spiritual connection, and increase their personal presence, happiness, and impact in the world.

Jeffrey's mission is to make higher awareness available to everyone—to help us move beyond needless conflict and pain, and embrace happy fulfilled lives of true passion, purpose, and meaning.

Creating the Spirit Mind training with Hisami is helping fulfill that goal as well as opening a powerful new chapter in Jeffrey’s own spiritual growth.

Throughout the training, Jeffrey shares his personal stories of both resistance and transformation—giving you an insightful first-person take on what it means to let go of our endless dramas and embrace a loving life of Spirit Mind.

(spoiler: It’s amazing!)

Hisami Allen

Hisami Allen (恒美) was born in Japan with the ability to see the energy of life—inside people and in the world. She has never known the feeling of separateness from Source that most of us live with daily.

At a young age, Hisami realized that everyone has 2 minds, one for the material side of life and one for the spiritual. She understood that people create drama and suffering in their lives simply because they have forgotten about their Spirit Mind.

Living a lifetime with energy awareness has given Hisami deep insights into how we function in the world, how our energy patterns influence our lives, and how subtle changes in consciousness can make profound differences in our lives.

Spirit Mind is Hisami's unique training, developed through her own experience with energy and her deep spiritual connection with Source. She has been teaching Spirit Mind in Japan for many years and is excited to now share it with the world.

Are You Ready For a Kinder, Safer, More Loving World?

Get your invitation for Awakening Your Spirit Mind with Jeffrey & Hisami Allen.